Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord pedicure.
L.A. nail salon Olive & June just launched the Saturday Sandal, a genius footwear option that means you'll never mess up your pedicure again.
Datum: 22-05-2017 18:20 | Bron: TeenVogue.comToday on Monday Manicure, BN Beauty will be showing you a DIY pedicure video from beauty blogger All of Destiny. We have previously shared tips on how to prep your feet in 30 mins and now we are sharing a video to help you follow up with the written ...
Datum: 22-05-2017 17:52 | Bron: BellaNaijaDit apparaat verzorgt je voeten optimaal. Dit is inclusief batterijen. En extra verzorgende bladen die op de verschillende koppen te plaatsen zijn.
Datum: 20-05-2017 17:28 | Bron: Telstar OnlineOvertollig eelt en likdoorns zijn vaak het gevolg van knellende schoenen. Het beste is om dit probleem te laten verhelpen door een pedicure. Een pedicure kan ook de oorzaak achterhalen en je adviezen geven om deze problemen te voorkomen.
Datum: 19-05-2017 13:30 | Bron: Dokterdokter.nl"There are an abundance of pedicure salons that are volume-based to stay in business," says Dr. Archer. "This means faster client turnover and less attention to sterility of instruments and foot baths. For this reason foot fungus, such as onychomycosis ...
Datum: 18-05-2017 21:03 | Bron: MarieClaire.comEen diabetespatiënt die na de afspraak met de diëtist in hetzelfde gebouw meteen door kan naar de fysiotherapeut, medische pedicure of podoloog. Het wordt mogelijk met de verhuizing van tot nu toe elf zorgpartijen naar de voormalige bibliotheek aan de ...
Datum: 17-05-2017 11:59 | Bron: De GelderlanderIn occasione dell'edizione 2017 di Cosmofarma Exhibition che si è svolta a Bologna dal 5 al 7 maggio – evento leader per il mondo della farmacia a livello ...
Datum: 15-05-2017 07:49 | Bron: Quelli che... la FarmaciaAanvankelijk kwam ze er alleen eten en bezocht ze er de pedicure, maar gaandeweg nam ze ook deel aan de activiteiten: naaien, sjabloneren, boerenschilderen, stempelen, canvas, sieradenwenskaarten maken, pergamano, feestversieringen, enz.
Datum: 13-05-2017 08:57 | Bron: Gazet van AntwerpenAaltens Nieuws.nl houdt u elke dag op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws uit Aalten. Ook leest u hier de krant die wekelijks in Aalten en omgeving huis-aan-huis ...
Datum: 12-05-2017 11:53 | Bron: Aaltens Nieuws (persbericht)Hoje nem é dia para falar em sandálias e chinelos, mas como a remessa da Avon sempre demora algum tempo a chegar, é capaz de fazer sentido falar do kit de pedicure lançado pela marca americana em Portugal. O Foot Works – Exotic Paradise é um ...
Datum: 12-05-2017 09:45 | Bron: DelasLa cosmesi, dal canto suo, non lascia alibi alla trascuratezza, poiché facilita il compito di una veloce e più economica pedicure casalinga grazie a nuove invenzioni come i calzini esfolianti che, una volta indossati, non necessitano di ulteriori ...
Datum: 12-05-2017 06:21 | Bron: La RepubblicaI was apprehensive when I sat in the chair for my first male pedicure. It was December 2008, I was in Bombay visiting family, and a mustachioed man with skinny (but strong!) hands wheeled over a bucket of warm water and placed a buffet of tools I'd ...
Datum: 11-05-2017 20:43 | Bron: GQ MagazineHemos hablado muchas veces de los beneficios del bicarbonato de sodio para la limpieza del hogar, para tratamientos faciales e incluso para la digestión, pero ¿qué le parecería usarlo para hacerse un pedicure? En el video adjunto a la nota le mostramos ...
Datum: 11-05-2017 19:05 | Bron: TeleticaThe stigma that surrounds men and pedicures is something that has persisted as long as modern pedicures have existed. Most men are often afraid of stepping foot inside a nail salon because of the reactions they might get, and others simply live the lie ...
Datum: 11-05-2017 15:10 | Bron: The EasternerThough professional fish pedicure centres use doctor fish, Ranchi DFO Rajiv Lochan Bakshi could not figure out what fish had been released into the pond. Doctor fish is commonly used for Garra Ruffa species and are natives of West Asian waters. "We are ...
Datum: 11-05-2017 02:55 | Bron: Times of IndiaAnd if your feet are so disgusting you don't want to be seen in flip-flops, or your toenails are so long and thick they're poking through your socks, it's time for a pedicure. I mean, you're not a troll! So ask a female friend to recommend a good place ...
Datum: 09-05-2017 13:02 | Bron: Men's FitnessAshley Greene was spotted getting herself a pedicure in Beverly Hills on Friday, having folded her trousers up to the knee. At one point, the 30-year-old Twilight Saga actress let her blonde hair down over a burgundy sweater, the sleeves of which she'd ...
Datum: 06-05-2017 06:31 | Bron: Daily MailFARGO, N.D. (Valley News Live): A Fargo woman is warning others after she got a bad fungal infection from a local salon. "I know it's from the nail salon and I hate to put it on them, but because I always wear socks and never go barefoot anywhere ...
Datum: 06-05-2017 00:10 | Bron: Valley News LiveKimberly Adie and her fiancé walked into A1 Nail Pampers in Winnipeg for some treat yo'self pedicures when Adie claims that the salon refused her service. Why? Because she "wouldn't fit" in the salon's chairs.
Datum: 05-05-2017 22:03 | Bron: INSIDERThe party includes: a complete pedicure with hot paraffin mask, massage, and polish for you and 13 of your closest friends! Cameo College of Essential Beauty's mission is to provide the highest quality of education and supplying the Beauty industry ...
Datum: 05-05-2017 20:02 | Bron: fox13now.com“We volgen de laatste trends, zoals microblading, wimperextentions en wimperpermanent. Maar ook huidverbetering, huidvernieuwing, definitieve ontharing, afslanking, gelnagels, medische pedicure en make-up komen komen hier aan bod.” De vijf experten ...
Datum: 04-05-2017 23:47 | Bron: Gazet van AntwerpenA Canadian woman says she'll be filing an official complaint against a nail salon after she was reportedly refused service because of her size. Kimberly Adie and her fiancé James were looking to get pedicures at A1 Nails Pampers in South Winnipeg on ...
Datum: 04-05-2017 19:28 | Bron: Yahoo NewsA Canadian woman has said she was body shamed by a nail salon, who turned her away because of her size. Kimberly Adie was left in tears after being told she 'would not fit' in the chairs - and said she spoke out because 'everyone deserves pampering'.
Datum: 04-05-2017 17:45 | Bron: Daily MailNie musisz odwiedzać salonu, żeby zadbać o stopy - możesz zrobić to w domu! Po prostu przeczytaj nasze wskazówki: #1. Zacznij od ciepłej kąpieli dla stóp (możesz dodać do wody kilka kropli olejku z cytryny). Mocz stopy przez 10 minut, aby zmiękczyć ...
Datum: 04-05-2017 13:13 | Bron: CosmopolitanNon-nail drills. These drills are not designed to be used on nails and are not safe to use on nails. Please see Chapter 250-X-3-.02(6) and 250-X-3-.02(7). Eyebrow or Eyelash tinting. Please refer to Chapter 250-X-3-.02(11): “No licensee may perform ...
Datum: 04-05-2017 04:44 | Bron: Alabama's News Leader