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Pedicure nieuws (147)

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Lixadeira De Unha Acrygel Pedal Manicure Pedicure – Classificados em Campo Grande – MS. Anúncios em Campo Grande.

Datum: | Bron: Campo Grande News

A woman in central Virginia won a court case for $1 million in punitive damages after a visit to a nail salon supposedly left her legs permanently scarred.

Datum: | Bron: Independent Journal Review

A US woman intended to be pampered with a pedicure at her local beauty salon, but it instead left her with a severe bacterial infection that required surgery, so she sued the salon for $1.3 million. Samantha Payne, of Richmond Virginia, developed ...

Datum: | Bron: Yahoo7 News

(CNN) -- Valley State Prison in Chowchilla, California is a male prison with a very unique skills training program. Here, dedicated students work toward professional cosmetology certification by building service skills that will translate outside the ...

Datum: | Bron: KCRG

There are several studies that have been conducted on this topic and it has been found that if the feet and hands of a person are not well maintained, it gives off a very bad first impression to potential employers or even potential partners.Our feet ...

Datum: | Bron: AsianetIndia

Samantha Payne won $1003536 in compensatory damages and $50000 in punitive damages following a pedicure from the former Red Nails of T & I in ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Mail

Dici pedicure e pensi all'estate: quest' associazione d'idee non è sbagliata, ma occorre sfatare un mito. Per avere piedi sempre al top è bene prendere come buona abitudine quella della pedicure invernale. Curare questa parte del corpo ci fa stare bene ...

Datum: | Bron: Glamour.it

HARRISBURG, Pa. (WHTM) – A skin-crawling story has surfaced about a 12-year-old Oregon girl who developed sores on her legs after getting a pedicure. ABC27's Christine McClarty is looking into health regulations that Pennsylvania nail salons would ...

Datum: | Bron: ABC27

The girl's mother told KATU in Portland, Oregon, that the sores were first treated as bug bites before a dermatologist started treating the infection with antibiotics.

Datum: | Bron: ABC News

A Portland mom says her daughter developed sores on her legs, six days after getting a pedicure.At first, doctors were stumped by the illness.Bug bites from a ...

Datum: | Bron: WPMI Local 15 News

PORTLAND, Ore. — A Portland mom says her daughter developed sores on her legs, six days after getting a pedicure. At first, doctors were stumped by the illness. Bug bites from a hike in the gorge? Or some sort of burns? Exactly 22 sores showed up on ...

Datum: | Bron: KATU

LILIANA KARTINI, pengelola Miss Foxy mengaku fasilitas manicure dan pedicure bagi anak-anak ini memang makin digemari.

Datum: | Bron: Surya

I rubbed off that luxurious paint to see the bottom corner of my nail was dark brown. Unfortunately, this was not leftover nail polish. I'll spare you the rest of the nasty toenail details. If you haven't caught on, I had gotten myself a fungus along ...

Datum: | Bron: SheKnows.com

'Medische pedicure sport' is sinds half 2016 een aparte discipline binnen de sportzorg. Van Mill en De Bruijn volgden een opleiding van een paar maanden in Leiden en haalden in december hun diploma. ,,Bij de begeleiding van sporters zijn natuurlijk al ...

Datum: | Bron: PZC

Koning Filip en koningin Mathilde hebben woensdagavond in alle discretie een bezoek gebracht aan de nachtopvang voor daklozen van vzw Hoeksteen in Nieuwland in Brussel. Het bezoek aan het winterplan was een initiatief van de koning zelf.

Datum: | Bron: Het Nieuwsblad

De daklozen kampen vaak met problemen aan de voeten en dus kunnen ze er rekenen op een deugddoende pedicure. Na een uurtje was het bezoek afgelopen en feliciteerde het koningspaar de medewerkers en vrijwilligers nogmaals voor hun werk.

Datum: | Bron: VTM NIEUWS

Reese Witherspoon's nail salon go-to, Bellacures, reveals the Spiritual Awakening Pedicure.

Datum: | Bron: Hollywood Reporter

Haaltert - Het 7de jaar Se-n-Se Esthetische Lichaamsverzorging van DvM Aalst maakt er jaarlijks een gewoonte van om de bewoners van het dagverzorgingscentrum 'Ten Briel' , verbonden aan het WZC Sint-Jozef , een manicure of pedicure te geven. Vorige ...

Datum: | Bron: Het Nieuwsblad

Een opleiding tot pedicure stond altijd al op het verlanglijstje van Irma Bekkers; de herplaatsingsregeling door haar ex-werkgever in de zorg was het laatste duwtje in de rug. Ze behaalde haar diploma's, haar man creëerde een salon achterin de tuin van ...

Datum: | Bron: Aalten Vooruit (persbericht) (Blog)

Ze is manicure en pedicure maar staat in het weekeinde ook weleens op de markt bij bloemenkraam De Meiden van de Snor. Ik besluit haar op te zoeken. ,,Sandra!'' Ze kijkt even op en rekent dan weer snel af met de klant: ,,Volgende.'' Het is druk. Ik ...

Datum: | Bron: AD.nl

Con la nuova mania che impazza in tutto l'Occidente aumentano anche le critiche. In alcuni Stati dell'America del Nord la fish-pedicure è stata vietata perché le autorità sanitarie l'hanno ritenuta poco igienica ( i pesci non si possono disinfettare ...

Datum: | Bron: ANSA.it

It is a widely accepted fact that one's personality can be gauged by looking at one's foot. So, we all know how important it is to have a beautiful foot, beneath your high end and stylish footwear. Pedicure should be made a regular practice, not just ...

Datum: | Bron: NewsPatrolling (press release) (blog)

A burglar left water running in the pedicure sink of a Little Rock nail salon, causing damage to that business as well as a repair shop next door, police say.

Datum: | Bron: Arkansas Online

Anche i calciatori non riescono a fare a meno di stare sempre incollati ai loro smartphone, per condividere con i loro tifosi, attraverso i social network, le loro passioni, i momenti più importanti della giornata o dei semplici messaggi. Insomma, il ...

Datum: | Bron: Fantagazzetta

Anche i calciatori non riescono a fare a meno di stare sempre incollati ai loro smartphone, per condividere con i loro tifosi, attraverso i social network, le loro ...

Datum: | Bron: Fantagazzetta
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