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Pedicure nieuws (182)

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Hey. You. Cold person hiding beneath that pile of Snuggies. It's me, Chrissy. I'm here to tell you that it's OK. Winter doesn't have to be so scary. I know it feels dark and depressing outside right now, but there's hope. There is a beacon of ...

Datum: | Bron: MTV.com

There's nothing more relaxing than a pedicure, right Liam Hemsworth? It seems the 24-year-old hunk enjoyed just that before hitting the beach in Byron Bay, Australia, on New Year's Eve. Dressed in causal beach attire, the scruffy celeb hit up the store ...

Datum: | Bron: E! Online

You probably don't want to think about these diseases when you go to the nail salon for a pedicure. But if your salon technicians aren't properly sanitizing their equipment, you could be at risk for these any time you stick your foot in the whirlpool ...

Datum: | Bron: Village Voice (blog)

Sweet & Sassy, a national spa chain with locations throughout the US, is just one of the companies to offer facials, manicures, pedicures, massages and other luxurious treatments which have been designed especially for children. The spa also hosts ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Mail

“It's ticklish,” children break into giggles while the elders relax and enjoy the fish pedicure. “It's something on the go and convenient. After I finish shopping up and down the four floors of the mall, I come here and get myself pampered for 10 ...

Datum: | Bron: The Hindu

OVERSCHIE – December is een drukke maand. Wie zich vermoeid voelt en vol energie het nieuwe jaar in wil, is na een bezoek aan 'Massage & Pedicure Praktijk Morijn / Fishpa Center Rotterdam' helemaal klaar voor 2015. Bij binnenkomst dringen de ...

Datum: | Bron: Overschiese Krant

[ BTW: BY THE WAY ]. Paying The Price For a Pedicure. By PATRICIA MISIUK LEDGER CORRESPONDENT. Published: Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 8:50 p.m.. Last Modified: Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 8:50 p.m.. Last month we forked over more than $300 ...

Datum: | Bron: The Ledger

ROTTERDAM - Sinds 1 januari 2015 is Pedicure Rotterdam West gestart in Apotheek Beukelsdijk. Voortaan kan men hier terecht voor voetbehandelingen. Pedicure Rotterdam West onderscheidt zich door het gebruik van een persoonlijk elektronisch ...

Datum: | Bron: dé Weekkrant

Pedicure Den Helder huurt ruimte van de nieuwe winkel Hoorzorg Bakker. Audicien Erik Bakker (52) opent dinsdag 6 januari zijn zaak. Die dag houdt Monique Raadsheer open huis. Belangstellenden zijn vanaf half tien welkom. Wie dat wil, krijgt dinsdag ...

Datum: | Bron: Noordhollands Dagblad

Cuando te haces el pedicure o el manicure, te cortan las uñas y la cutícula, te las liman, y te cortan los pedacitos de piel levantados alrededor de la uña, es decir los “padrastros” o pellejos, y en todo ese proceso te están cortando la piel, algunas ...

Datum: | Bron: La Tarde Cuenca

Pedicure-praktijk Boutique Annemique gaat het winkelpand aan de Grotestraat 119 verlaten. De praktijk was daar de laatste twee jaar gevestigd maar volgens eigenaresse Annemieke Vermeij is dat pand toch te groot gebleken. Daarom is besloten om terug ...

Datum: | Bron: Goors nieuws

A Niu Valley woman's trip to the nail salon for a holiday pedicure ended with her going to an urgent clinic for medical care, prompting an investigation by state authorities. Karin Gallagher went to Perfect Nails in the Aina Haina Shopping Center ...

Datum: | Bron: Hawaii News Now

Ingrijpende ervaringen als pedicure, opgedaan op verwendagen voor vrouwen met kanker, deden de fotograaf in opleiding besluiten vrouwen met kanker in treffende beelden neer te zetten. Op haar oproep op Facebook kwamen zoveel en zulke ...

Datum: | Bron: Eindhovens Dagblad

While we've been fantasizing about sunny getaways since the first sight of snow, we tracked down a much more affordable way to cure the winter blues: Sweet Lily's seasonal pedicure treatment. Even though our toes are currently tucked away in socks and ...

Datum: | Bron: InStyle

Als gediplomeerd pedicure is ze aangesloten bij Provoet, de brancheorganisatie van pedicures. 'Ik ben op dit moment pedicure ++, wat inhoudt dat ik de reumatische en diabetische voetaantekeningen heb. Diabetes is op dit moment een opkomende ziekte.

Datum: | Bron: dekrantvanmiddendrenthe.nl

Over the years, I have tried everything on the beauty market — slathering creams, pumice stones, fish pedicures — you name it, I've tried it. But still, my dry feet remained. Sometimes my feet were so dry that they would itch relentlessly, and ...

Datum: | Bron: Bustle

Χειμώνα, καλοκαίρι, μία φορά την εβδομάδα η Kendall κάνει pedicure επιλέγοντας κάθε φορά διαφορετική απόχρωση για τα νύχια της. Την έχουμε δει με μεταλλικό ασημί, με πορτοκαλί, με μαύρα αλλά και με κόκκινα νύχια. Ανάλογα με το στιλ της και ιδιαίτερα ...

Datum: | Bron: Jenny.gr

Star come Jessica Simpson e Angelina Jolie ne vanno pazze, tanto da parlarne in ogni intervista che rilasciano. Stiamo parlando del “Fish Pedicure”, il trattamento per la cura dei piedi effettuato con l' “aiuto” dei Garra Rufa, più conosciuti come ...

Datum: | Bron: Gazzetta di Modena

The cuticles are meticulously cleaned and neatened: a key to the success of the naked pedicure. Photo: Stocksy. PARTY CENTRAL Whether you're a Sancerre sipper or a dirty martini devotee, this is the perfect time of year to update your after-dark ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Life

"I was really nervous and I remember doing her pedicure and thinking, 'I've got Gwyneth Paltrow's foot in my hand!' Somehow I managed to keep my cool. It helped that she was really nice too, although I was giving her a foot massage and she was making ...

Datum: | Bron: Waterloo Record

"I knew I had the trait, but doctors never made a big deal about it," explained Clark, as he sank deeper into his pedicure chair and put his feet in the water. "It was always, 'Hey, you have the sickle cell trait,' just like 'Hey, you have brown eyes ...

Datum: | Bron: SB Nation

9 Secrets to a Salon-Worthy Pedicure at Home. ELLE December 9, 2014. By: Victoria Hoff. 9 Secrets to a Salon-Worthy Pedicure at Home. 1. Don't ever cut ingrown toenails. "Cut the nails straight across if you have ingrown toenails. You can file ingrown ...

Datum: | Bron: Yahoo News

ZWIJNDRECHT - Met de PACT schimmelnagel therapie bij Pedicure Voetcare4you Zwijndrecht is de vooruitgang na 6 weken al goed zichtbaar! Sinds 2008 werkt Wendy Pulverer in haar pedicurepraktijk Voetcare4you aan het Berlijnseplein 53 in Zwijndrecht ...

Datum: | Bron: Dichtbij.nl

Wiadukt Markiewicza to secesyjna forma architektoniczna, po której ulica Karowa schodzi ze Skarpy Wiślanej na Powiśle. Obiekt zbudowano w latach 1902-1905 według projektu inżynierów Kajetana Mościckiego i Kazimierza Dankowskiego. W największym ...

Datum: | Bron: WawaLove - z sercem o Warszawie

Showcasing Tatum getting a pedicure, Dewan captioned the amusing pic, “It's my birthday and hubby does what I want him to.” The couple's sweet moments came the very same day OK! ran a bogus cover story falsely alleging the Tatums were heading for ...

Datum: | Bron: Gossip Cop
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